
Pitfalls in pricing, or why you should work with ammonet InfoTech. |


The cost of development is based on the number of hours we estimate to be required for the completion of the project. This is why we emphasize the importance of a detailed specification before we finalise the price. Once we issue a finalised price, that is what you will pay for a functional system that fully meets the specification. This is important. Consider the following scenarios, all to common in some parts of the software development industry:
1) At some stage during the project, the developers announce that a major programming problem has arisen that they did not foresee. They will have to charge more because of the time required to solve it. Moral: make certain that your developer has demonstrable experience in all applications required for your project. Working with ammonet, you can study our portfolio and ask us to demonstrate working examples of the applications you will need.
2) Towards the final stages of the project, it becomes evident that the specification does not include features that you assumed "come with the package" - the developer demands more money to add them. Moral: study the specification with care. When in doubt, ask questions and obtain clear answers - don't make assumptions. Working with ammonet, you will receive intense analysis of your requirements. We don't give our customers unpleasant surprises.
3) Your project, as defined in the specification, is deployed and simply doesn't work satisfactorily. Issues that neither you nor the developer considered render your system sub-optimal. You pay the developer for fixes, more problems emerge, and so it goes on. Moral: select an experienced developer who shows evidence in the initial clarification phase of having thoroughly understood your project. At ammonet, we do not even consider accepting a project unless it is totally transparent to us at the time of the initial proposal.
In summary, anything that is logical can be programmed. The trick is to make certain that the final project specification is both logical and will serve your purposes. That's what ammonet does for you. |























