Display your ceramics, majolica and antique glass on the internet using the ammonet Gallery content management system

Belle Arti

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Sales Gallery
Auto Gallery
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CMS Enquiries

Auto Gallery demo #2

On this page you see a gallery of ceramics generated using the Auto Gallery tool. This provides for item Stock Number and item Name, plus popup image, brief description and price. The Buy /Enquire button can be enabled - this loads the item Stock Number and/or Name into the form where the user enters his details. Form contents are emailed to the address specified on the admin Settings page. A link to the appropriate eBay auction can also be enabled. Thumbnail image size can be defined prior to setting up the individual gallery.

Images are uploaded collectively in response to a single click from a directory that you select. This fast upload works extremely well in tandem with the ammonet ImageServ image manager, but equally well with FTP if your images have all been prepared locally. We recommend the use of the Auto Gallery when you wish to load a large number of images quickly and where the description will be brief. Images uploaded in this way can be individually hidden, for example when an item is sold. If you add further images to the image source directory, clicking an Update Gallery button adds these images to the gallery. The order in which items are displayed can be defined. Note that multiple gallery pages are navigated via page number links at the top and bottom of the gallery (not of the pages, in contrast to the Sales Gallery), so that any text pages remain visible and consistent from one gallery page to the next.

Do YOU want a beautiful display like this for your collectibles web site? Our prices are highly competitive. Contact us at:

Ceramics from Grottaglie

Click the images for a detailed view.

These ceramics were produced in or near Grottaglie in Apulia, Italy during the 19 and 20 C. Their production was purely utilitarian, but many of the decorative artists were highly skilled and their work is now sought-after by collectors of naive art and "arte povera".

Two bottles
Abstract plate
Two oil jars
Two fine examples of Apulian wine flasks
Two fine examples of Apulian wine flasks

The decoration on this plate was applied by means of a simple stamp.
The decoration on this plate was applied by means of a simple stamp.

Price: $0.0

Price: $0.0

Price: $0.0

Oil pot
Two drinking cups
Plain plate

Price: $0.0

Price: $0.0

Price: $0.0

Rose plate #1
Rose plate #2
Geometrical plate #1

Price: $0.0

Price: $0.0

Price: $0.0

Geometrical plate #2

Price: $0.0


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